Thursday, March 20, 2008

Best Shoulder Exercises

Our "best of series" is coming to a close, and one of the final installments covers the best shoulder exercises. I'm going to go about this a little differently: I'll provide 5 exercises which I feel are the best for building overall strength in the shoulders, and I'll also provide 5 preventative shoulder exercises which I feel are best for keeping your shoulders and scapula healthy, as this is a major concern for people who engage in strength training on a regular basis and also for competitive athletes (especially for "overhead" athletes such as baseball pitchers and football quarterbacks).

Top 5 Exercises for building overall strength and power in the shoulders:

1. Standing Barbell Press
2. Standing Dumbbell Press
3. 1 Arm Standing Dumbbell Press
4. Standing Barbell Push Press
5. Standing DB Push Press (you could also do this one arm at a time)

Top 5 Preventative Shoulder Exercises (Shoulder Health)

1. L-Flys
2. Face Pulls
3. Scapula Pushups
4. Prone Trap Raises (the 1st exercise in the video)
5. Band Pull Apart

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