Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Traditional, Flexion Based Ab Workouts

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know I favor a stability based approach to core training: I don't utilize a lot of flexion type exercises at the lumbar spine (crunches, sit-ups, etc.). I think stability based movements (1) develop functional strength better & (2) are safer. With this being said, I know many readers feel they just have to do crunches, sit-ups and other traditional flexion type exercises and workouts for their abs. So, here is a video of a little flexion based med ball ab circuit I use here and there with clients. If you like to "feel the burn" (ughh), this should do the trick:

This is an 8 set circuit, done without any rest between sets. Start with 5 reps per set for a total of 40 reps and attempt to increase to 10 reps per set for a total of 80 reps. Warning: this WILL cause extreme soreness in the rectus muscles. One circuit will probably be more than enough. If you want to do a 2nd set, expect a significant drop in the # of reps you can perform in each set. Make sure the reps are done under control and through a full range: don't pump through them and incorporate excessive momentum.

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