Monday, March 2, 2009

NIH Study Supports Calorie Counting

If you are a regular reader of my website or blog and listen to my podcasts, you'll know I'm a big proponent of calorie counting ( In fact, I feel establishing and adhering to your weight loss or maintenance (depending on your goals) calorie requirements is THE most important thing when it comes to losing weight or maintaining weight loss. Obviously, in order to not exceed your goal specific calorie requirements, YOU HAVE TO COUNT CALORIES!

Well, I've taken a lot of hits from people for my stance on this. Many people feel it isn't necessary. Many feel you should be more concerned with a specific macronutrient (carbohydrate fat, or protein) and not on overall calorie intake. Others feel you should mainly be concerned with avoiding high fructose corn syrup, eating free range meat, avoiding dairy products or gluten.

Look, all of these types of things warrant consideration, and can actually enhance one's progress, BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO START ONE'S PROGRESS! Worrying about these types of secondary nutritional matters is like trying to walk before you can crawl (or even sit upright for that matter). Until you understand your calorie needs, and are able to consistently apply the principles surrounding this matter, all this other stuff isn't going to make much of a difference.

Just in case you think I'm off my rocker, a recent study by the NIH (National Institutes of Health), which was reported in the Wall Street Journal, supports my stance on calorie counting. Check it out below:

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