Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Are You Over Complicating Things??

I've always felt fitness and fat loss success hinge on one's understanding and application of just a handful of principles. Often times, when trying to lose weight and get fit, people simply over complicate things and get too caught up in methods and details...they wanna walk before they can crawl.

People worry about their intake of high fructose corn syrup and the number of carbohydrate grams they are consuming before they've demonstrated the ability to consistently adhere to their weight loss calorie requirements. On the training side of things, some seek out the "perfect" (as though it existed) set and repetition scheme before they've demonstrated the ability to simply get to the gym and train consistently.

Anyway, I came across an article from Dr. John Berardi (of Precision Nutrition fame) which pretty much reinforces what I was saying above: sometimes, you just need to strip things down and just take an honest look at your understanding and application of the principles which are going to account for 90% of your success as it pertains to getting in great shape. Check out the article below:

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