Thursday, April 23, 2009

Improving Posture

Improving posture is a rather easy thing to do if you incorporate the right exercises into your fitness regimen. I received the following email from one of my blog subscribers:

"I'm really interested in improving posture. I sit at a desk all day and type a lot on the computer, and I feel like my shoulders are starting to get rounded forward and I always feel like I'm hunched forward. Are there any exercises I can do to improve posture?"
-Sheila, Dayton, OH

Sheila's situation is all too common, as many of us are forced to sit and work at a computer for extended periods throughout the day. Over time, this can result in atrocious posture, giving one a hunched over or rounded look in the upper body. The key to correcting this is to incorporate plenty of upper back and rear deltoid exercises into our exercise programs. We need to keep these muscles, which retract and depress the shoulder blades (down and back) strong and toned. Below is a video playlist of 14 different exercises which will do just that. Choose 3 or 4 from the list and incorporate them into your workouts 2-3 days/week. Every 4 weeks, choose a different grouping of exercises for variety. These exercises will definitely help with improving posture:

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