Saturday, August 8, 2009

Essential Exercises Volume 1: Face Pulls

Thought I'd start a category of blog posts entitled "Essential Exercises", highlighting some of the exercises which I feel are, as the name implies, essential, and absolutely need to be included in your training arsenal. In this installment, I want to take a look at one of the best exercises out there for keeping your shoulders healthy, Face Pulls.

Face pulls activate and strengthen the upper back, traps, and external shoulder rotators all at once and really give you a great bang for your training buck. A tip: make sure you grab the rope with your fingers straight up in the air (and keep them up throughout the exercise)...not straight out and slightly down. The former grip feels great on the shoulders, while the latter, in my experience, irritates the shoulders and doesn't effectively work the external rotators.

If you want to enjoy a lifetime of hard training, you absolutely have to keep your shoulders healthy...Face Pulls can help achieve this objective. Put them in your program 1 or 2 days per week and reap the benefits.

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