Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Female Fitness Levels

Female Fitness Levels: there is data out there which will help any female determine if their fitness level is adequate and health protective. Depending on your age, you should be able to exercise at the level indicated below for a few minutes (3-4) on a treadmill without stopping (and don't hold on to the hand rails or display board):

Age 20: 3.8 mph & a 15% incline
Age 30: 3.8 mph & a 12% incline
Age 40: 3.5 mph & a 12% incline
Age 50+: 3.6 mph & a 9% incline

Women who are able to exercise at the intensities listed above are "fit" in general health (not high level performance) terms. An inability to sustain a few minutes of exercise at the above intensity indicates you may be at an increased risk for premature cardiovascular health problems, and this holds true regardless of your body weight.

Try to apply this information to your cardiovascular workouts. Try to work up to this level a couple of times weekly. Please understand you do not have to exercise at this intensity for your entire workout...just a few minutes. Also, you can work up to this level and sustain it for just 30-60 seconds multiple times throughout your workouts and derive the same benefits. For example, a 40 year old female could walk at 3.5 mph on a flat surface for 1:30 and then adjust the intensity to the goal listed above (a 12% incline in this case) and walk for 30 or 45 seconds before bringing the intensity back down to a moderate level. Alternating back and forth in this manner for 20-30 minutes would certainly be effective and health protective.

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