Thursday, August 28, 2008

Here's an real food!

I've long been a fan and reader of Dr. Richard Winett's material over at The Master Trainer website. He has a great article posted over there which discusses how unnecessary most nutritional supplements are and how simply eating real and nutritious food in a calorically appropriate manner is really all most people need. Check out the link below:


Most supplements are, in fact, a complete waste of money. There are only a few I think are potentially valuable for some people:

  • A GREENS supplement (like greens +)
  • A commercial protein powder
  • A muti-vitamin
  • Fish Oil
  • Creatine (and this is only somewhat useful for a very specific demographic)

Other than those listed above (and none of those are even completely necessary I might add), don't waste your money. You'd be better off taking that money and buying wholesome food at your local grocer or farmer's market.

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