Sunday, February 7, 2010

Please Vote Me Cincinnati's Best Personal Trainer!

Attention All Blog Readers: I NEED YOUR HELP ! :)

If you like the content I've put up here at the blog over the last few years, please do me a big favor and go to and vote for me and my gym as Cincinnati's best personal trainer and gym/workout club. Here is how to do it:

1. Go to

2. Click the green "Click here to vote" icon (you'll have to enter your email, name, etc)

3. Under the "Jocks" section, scroll down to Health/Workout Club and select "create your option"; type in FORCE Fitness & Performance

4. Under the "Goods & Services" section, scroll down to Personal Trainer and select "create your option"; type in P. J. Striet/FORCE Fitness & Performance

5. Scroll all the way down and hit the "submit" button

I want to thank everyone in advance for doing this for means a lot to me and it would be great for my local business as these annual "best of" awards are a big deal around these parts. Thanks again!

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